Rosemary Lee is an artist and media researcher. Her work considers how image production technologies fit within larger narratives about art, knowledge, and relations between humans and machines. She is currently an artist in residence with the European Media Art Platform hosted by NeMe in Limassol, Cyprus.

Her book Algorithm, Image, Art considers recent developments in artificial intelligence in relation to historical tendencies in image production. That work expands on her PhD project Machine Learning and Notions of the Image, looking into how contemporary artists’ approaches to algorithmic media are connected to longer discourse on the mediation of perception.

Lee’s work has been presented in international contexts related to art and technology including NeMe, transmediale, V2_, gnration, HMKW, the University of Coimbra, AMRO, ONB Labs, Ars Electronica, LOKALE, Kunsthalle Aahus, Click Festival, The Holden Gallery, Kunsthalle Trondheim, Nikolaj Kunsthal, Kunsthal Charlottenborg, c4, Science Friction, LEAP, and Kunsthalle Athena. She is represented by Galerie Gilla Lörcher, Berlin since 2013.

Lee’s artistic research has been supported with fellowships funded by the Austrian National Library, the Danish State Art Fund, the Arts Council Norway, Nordic Culture Point, Copenhagen’s Culture Harbor 365, the Transmediale Vilém Flusser Archive Residency for Artistic Research and the Burning Athens Residency for Art and Critical Theory.

instagram: @machine_agency


Portfolio (pdf)


CV & Contact


Rosemary Lee

b. 1986 Providence, Rhode Island, US

Based in Porto, Portugal


Artistic Achievements


Awards & Funding

2024   Akademie Schloss Solitude Fellowship
2024   European Media Art Platform (EMAP) Residency
2023   Shortlist, EMAP Residency
2022   Shortlist, EMAP Residency
2022   4S/ESOCITE Travel Grant
2021   Leonardo Abstracts Service (LABS) Top-Rated Abstracts
2021   Shortlist, German Informatics Society AI Newcomer Award in Art
2017-2020   Internally-funded PhD Fellowship, IT-University of Copenhagen
2017   Statens Kunstfond Production Grant
2017   Art & Technology Project Support, Arts Council Norway
2017   Nordic Culture Point Mobility Funding
2017   Kulturhavn 365 Project Support
2017   Statens Kunstfond Open Residency Pool Grant
2017   Statens Kunstfond Arbejdslegat
2016   Statens Kunstfond Open Residency Pool Grant
2016   Statens Kunstfond Production Grant
2015   Statens Kunstfond Arbejdslegat
2008   SAIC Graduation Fellowship
2007   Ike and Florence Sewell Scholarship
2004-2008   SAIC Merit-Based Tuition Grants


Solo Exhibitions

2022   Myth, Magic, Machines, with Miguel Carvalhais, gnration, Braga
2021   Cryptographics, ONB Labs, Vienna
2019   image machine / machine image, Galerie Gilla Lörcher, Berlin
2015   The Typesetter’s Ruminations, Galerie Gilla Lörcher, Berlin
2015   Artifacts, Palais des Beaux Arts, Vienna
2013   Stepping into the Impossible, Galerie Gilla Lörcher, Berlin
2009   It Happens that the Stage Sets Break Down, LivingRoom Gallery, Chicago
2008   Natural Deviations, Phaiz, Chicago


Selected Group Exhibitions

2024   Unfolding Technical Objects, Museum of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto (Upcoming)
2024   AI and Art, MAD Lab/NeMe, Limassol
2023   Parameter Generative Arts Fair, Kino Šiška, Ljubljana
2023   Krypto: Decrypting the Artist, NeMe, Limassol
2022   Seasonal.Digital, Galerie Gilla Lörcher, Berlin
2022   Becoming Geological, V2_, Rotterdam
2022  International Conference on Computation,Communication,Aesthetics& X (xCoAx), University of Coimbra
2022   Espaço/Programa, Cerveira Art Biennial Foundation, Cerveira
2021   Seasonal.Digital, Galerie Gilla Lörcher, Berlin
2020   Small Wonders, Galerie Gilla Lörcher, Berlin
2020   Reprogramming Earth, NeMe, Limassol
2019   Perpetual Interpreter, LOKALE, Copenhagen
2019   SCREENSHOTS, Galleri Image, Aarhus
2018   Ubiquitous Futures, CATCH, Helsingør
2018   machines will watch us die, The Holden Gallery, Manchester
2017   A New We, Kunsthall Trondheim
2016   Hybrid Matters, Nikolaj Kunsthal, Copenhagen
2015   TRANSART, Dome of Visions, Copenhagen
2015   Forårsudstillingen, Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Copenhagen
2014   Lovelace, C4 Projects, Copenhagen
2014   Obsessive Sensing, LEAP, Berlin
2014   Interactor, Victoria Art Center, Bucharest
2014   transmediale: Afterglow, HKW, Berlin
2014   The Inhabited Interface, bb15, Linz
2013   Pitch Drop, Science Friction, Copenhagen
2013   Going Dark, LEAP, Berlin
2013   XV Call, Luis Adelantado, Valencia
2012   Crash of Tests, ping12 documentation, Kassel
2012   Crash of Tests, Westwerk, Hamburg
2012   Crash of Tests, Walden Kunstausstellungen, Berlin
2012   MONO//TON//POLY//CHROM, Freies Museum Berlin
2011   YOLK, Panke, Berlin
2010 Body Implement, SoundsuitShop, Chicago
2010   Mischief Night, Hyde Park Art Center, Chicago
2009   The Yield, Heaven Gallery, Chicago
2009   70 Days for 70 Years, Hyde Park Art Center, Chicago
2007   Objects, Actions, Participation, Messhall, Chicago



2024   EMAP Residency
2021   ONB Labs Web Residency, Austrian National Library, Vienna
2017   Ayatana Biophilia Artists’ Research Programme, Ottawa
2016   rural_scapes Laboratory in Residence, São José do Barreiro
2014   transmediale Vilém Flusser Residency for Artistic Research, Universität der Künste Berlin
2013   Burning Athens Residency for Art and Critical Theory, Athens
2009   Harold Arts Residency, Chesterfield, Ohio


Gallery Representation

2013–present   Galerie Gilla Lörcher, Berlin



2020   PhD, IT-University of Copenhagen
Department of Digital Design
Supervisors: Laura Beloff & Sebastian Risi
“Machine Learning & Notions of the Image”

2018   Research Stay Abroad, Goldsmiths, University of London
Department of Media, Communication, & Cultural Studies (MCCS)
Supervisor: Luciana Parisi

2012   MA with Distinction, The European Graduate School, Saas-Fee
Division of Media & Communications
Supervisor: Wolfgang Schirmacher
“The Aesthetic Imaginary”

2008   BFA with Honors, The School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC)
Emphasis in Fiber and Material Studies



2023/08/26   Behind the Algorithmic Image, Ars Electronica x IDSA FOUNDING LAB Summer School 2023, Linz

2022/06/24   Deconstructing Representation, AI Infrastructures for Civil Society and the Arts, Hartware MedienKunstVerein (HMKV), Dortmund

2022/04/23   Art Involving Computation vs. Computational Art, Espaço/Programa, Cerveira Art Biennial Foundation

2019/10/18   The Image After Algorithmic Media, Problematizing Algorithms: Methods and Approaches, Keynote and panel  discussion, Nordic Perspectives on Algorithms Workshop, IT-University of Copenhagen

2017/12/14  Seeing with Machines, VL-Group Presentation, IT-University of Copenhagen


Talks & Lectures

2023/11/02  Technosolutionism & Broken Promises: The Rise &  Fall of Crypto Art, Moneylab #13, NeMe, Limassol

2023/05/30   Data-based Aesthetics: Modelling Visual Interpretation, Ecole Média Art du Grand Chalon

2023/03/14   Critical Approaches to Machine Learning, Albertay University, Dundee

2023/03/07   Machine Learning in Visual Culture, Albertay University, Dundee

2023/01/31   AI in Artistic Practice, LUCA School of Arts, Brussels

2022/11/17   Sharing a Point of View with the Inanimate, Operational Media Symposium, University of Oslo

2022/06/22   Mediation and Environment, International Conference on Live Interfaces (ICLI), Lusófona University, Lisbon

2022/06/16   Analysis Paralysis and a Bag of Bad Ideas, Art Meets Radical Openness Festival, Architekturforum Oberösterreich, Linz

2021/09/09   After Novelty, Academy of Thoughts: Critical Data at the Ars Electronica Festival, Interface Cultures, Kunstuniversität Linz

2021/03/24   Machine Learning & the Image: History, Theory & Practice, LUCA School of Arts, Brussels

2021/01/29   Machine Learning & Notions of the Image, Hybrid Intelligentia in Art & Science, Hybrid Lab Network, International

2020/11/27   Machine Learning & Notions of the Image, Machine Image Workshop, Aarhus University

2020/11/12   Machine Learning & Notions of the Image, University of Porto

2019/11/28   Evidencing Reality Through Algorithmic Media, Leonardo Art Science Evening Rendezvous (LASER) Talks, University of Porto

2019/11/27   Seeing with Machines: The Image After Algorithmic Media, University of Porto

2019/10/19   Deconstructing Representation, Nordic Perspectives on Algorithms, IT-University of Copenhagen

2019/06/17   How Can We Trust Our Images?, IoT Week, ARoS Kunstmuseum, Aarhus

2019/03/08   The Expanded Image, SCREENSHOTS, Kunsthal Aarhus

2019/02/01   Operative Image: Automation and Autonomy, Machine Feeling, transmediale, Berlin

2019/01/25   The Image Is a Machine, Galerie Gilla Lörcher, Berlin

2018/10/30   Seeing with Machines, MCCS PhD Colloquium, Goldsmiths, University of London

2018/04/30   IT Star Lecture, IT-University of Copenhagen

2014/02/01   Molten Media, transmediale, Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), Berlin

2013/07/18   The Tyranny of the Free, Kunsthalle Athena, Athens

2013/02/20   Immaterial Transformation: Maps Leading Nowhere & Everywhere, The School of the Art Institute of Chicago


Conference Paper Presentations

2022/09/25   process==structure, Transdisciplinary Imaging Conference, University of Central Asia, Naryn, Kyrgyzstan

2022/07/08   Cryptographics, International Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics & X (xCoAx), University of Coimbra, Portugal

2020/11/20   Spectral & Procedural Creativity: A Perspective from Computational Art, Artificial Creativity, Malmö University

2020/11/07   Machine Learning & the Mediating Tendencies of the Image, Transdisciplinary Imaging Conference, UNSW, Sydney

2019/08/21   Soundwalking & Algorithmic Listening, Media Art Histories, Aalborg University

2019/06/20   Net Art & the Performance of Images, A Research Infrastructure for the Study of Archived Web Materials, University of Amsterdam

2019/06/05   Aesthetics of Uncertainty, xCoAx, Milan

2018/06/26   Seeing with Machines: Decipherability & Obfuscation in Adversarial Images, International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA), Durban University of Technology

2018/05/15   The Limits of Algorithmic Perception, Politics of the Machines, Aalborg University, Copenhagen

2018/04/26   Seeing with Machines: An Investigation into Hybrid Agency, Radical Relevances, Aalto University, Espoo

2015/12/11   Bioinformatic Poetry, Aesthetics, Ethics & Biopolitics of the Posthuman Conference, Aarhus University

2013/06/07   Critical Encounters with Art & Economics, Pedagogies of Disaster, National Historical Museum, Tirana, Albania

2011/05/11   Communal Bodies, International Conference of the Arts in Society, Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences & Humanities, Berlin


Participation in Debates & Colloquia

2023/02/29   Panelist, The Algorithmic State: Adversarial Aesthetics, School of Visual Arts, New York

2023/07/06   Moderator, Keynote by Joanna Zylinska, After AI Art, xCoAx, Cultural Center mon ami, Weimar

2023/02/04   Panelist, We Have Always Been Geological, transmediale, Akademie der Künste, Berlin

2022/12/08 Panelist, Diagrammatic Visualisation, Templates, 4S/ESOCITE, Ibero-American University Puebla, Cholula, Mexico

2022/07/07   Moderator, Keynote by Winnie Soon, Coding Otherwise for SOFTer Futures, xCoAx, University of Coimbra

2022/06/22 Panelist, Mediation and Environment, ICLI, Lusófona University, Lisbon

2022/06/13 Panelist, Art Intelligence, ISEA, Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona

2022/04/14 Panelist, Art Engangled, World Quantum Day, CONNECT Centre, Trinity College Dublin

2021/09/09   Panelist, Roundtable on Critical Data, Kunstuniversität Linz

2021/07/15   Moderator, Keynote by Špela Petrič, On The Vegetariat in Times of Surveillance Societies, xCoAx, University of Music & Performing Arts Graz

2021/06/17   Moderator, Keynote by Anna Ridler, Blooms & Bubbles: Tulips, Blockchain & Manias, Creativity Talks, University of Porto

2019/11/14–15   Participant, What is the Art in Artificial Intelligence?, Workshop, Center for Advanced Internet Studies, Bochum, Germany

2019/09/09 Participant, Predicting Security and the Insecurity of Prediction Seminar, University of Copenhagen

2019/08/19   Chair, Sound in the Cross-section of Biological & Technological, Media Art Histories, Aalborg University, Aalborg

2018/05/17   Chair, Algorithms & Art Track Session 4, EVA Copenhagen, Aalborg University, Copenhagen2018/05/16   Chair, Algorithms & Art Track Session 3, EVA Copenhagen, Aalborg University, Copenhagen


Workshop Facilitation

2023/03/20   Critical Approaches to Machine Learning, Albertay University, Dundee

2023/03/13   Deconstructing Representation, Albertay University, Dundee

2021/09/06   Resilience in the New Real Development Workshops, Session 2, Edinburgh College of Art

2021/08/29   Resilience in the New Real Development Workshops, Session 1, Edinburgh College of Art

2021/02/23   Do Androids Dream of Electric Images? 4, Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen

2021/02/16   Do Androids Dream of Electric Images? 3, Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen

2021/02/09   Do Androids Dream of Electric Images? 2, Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen

2021/02/02   Do Androids Dream of Electric Images? 1, Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen

2017/11/01   Break-IT Arduino Workshop, IT-University of Copenhagen

2017/08/17   Hydrofeminism: Becoming a Body of Water, Kulturhavn 365, Copenhagen

2017/04/20   Entering into Relation with an Object: Vibrant Matter, C4 Projects, Copenhagen

2016/10/30   Mapping the Wasp 5, rural_scapes, São José do Barreiro, Brazil

2016/10/29   Mapping the Wasp 4, rural_scapes, São José do Barreiro, Brazil

2016/10/23   Mapping the Wasp 3, rural_scapes, São José do Barreiro, Brazil

2016/10/16   Mapping the Wasp 2, rural_scapes, São José do Barreiro, Brazil

2016/10/09   Mapping the Wasp 1, rural_scapes, São José do Barreiro, Brazil

2016/09/09   Entering into Relation with an Object: Hyperobjects, Age of Aquarius, Copenhagen

2016/05/12   Entering into Relation with an Object: Umwelt, Goldsmiths, University of London

2016/03/17   Entering into Relation with an Object: I Eat an Apple, NLH Space, Copenhagen

2016/02/18   Entering into Relation with an Object: Umwelt, NLH Space, Copenhagen

2014/07/12   Protogaea, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin

2014/06/10   Molten Media, Universität der Künste Berlin


Committee Work

2018–present   Scientific Committee, xCoAx

2022   Art and Computation Retreat Jury, German Informatics Society, Goethe-Institut & Weizenbaum-Institut

2020   Peer Review Panel, Leonardo Journal

2019   Women in Research Working Group, IT-University of Copenhagen

2019   Exhibition Jury, Internet Moon Gallery

2018   Organizing Committee, ITU Digital Design Summer Seminar

2018   Organizing Committee, EVA Copenhagen Conference & PhD Course

2018   PhD Council, IT-University of Copenhagen



2012/10/6   Untitled [Social Isolation], Galerie Toolbox, Berlin

2012/9/12   On Sensitivity, Plants & Noise, Galerie Toolbox, Berlin

2012/9/5   On Noise & Sensitivity, Ping12 Dokumentation, Kassel

2012/8/21   On Noise & Sensitivity, Walden Kunstausstellungen, Berlin

2010/10/20   Spectacle du Société du Spectacle, Hyde Park Art Center, Chicago

2008/1/20–25   Wind-Up: Walking the Warp, with Anne Wilson, Rhona Hoffmann Gallery, Chicago


Curatorial Projects

2017   Entering into Relation with an Object: An Intimate Connection Vol. 2, C4 Projects, Copenhagen, DK

2015   Maps of the Imaginary, Playground for Open Research, Copenhagen, DK

2014   Analogic Bodies, Husets Biograf, Copenhagen, DK

2014   Cosmic Death, Walden Kunstausstellungen, Berlin, DE

2012   MONO//TON//POLY//CHROM, Freies Museum Berlin, DE





Rosemary Lee, Algorithm, Image, Art (New York: Atropos Press, 2024).
ISBN: 978-1-73755-914-6

Rosemary Lee. Molten Media. (Berlin: transmediale, 2014).


PhD Thesis

Rosemary Lee, “Machine Learning and Notions of the Image” (PhD Thesis, Copenhagen, IT-University of Copenhagen, 2020).
ISBN: 978-87-7949-043-7v


Book Chapters

Rosemary Lee, “Absorption, Saturation, Toxicity, Elimination,” in Becoming Geological, ed. Martin Howse (Rotterdam: V2_ Publishing, 2022), 149–58.

ISBN: 978-90-828935-6-4

Rosemary Lee, “Machine Learning and the Mediating Tendencies of the Image,” in Dark Eden: Transdisciplinary Imaging at the Intersections of Art, Science and Culture, ed. Edward Colless et al. (Melbourne: Art + Australia, Victorian College of the Arts, University of Melbourne, 2022), 117–21.

ISBN: 978-0-6455443-0-5

Rosemary Lee, “The Tangential Realism of @PepitoTheCat,” in Book of X, ed. Miguel Carvalhais et al. (Porto: i2ADS, University of Porto, 2022), 79–89.
ISBN: 978-989-9049-26-0

Rosemary Lee, “Art Involving Computation vs. Computational Art,” in Espaço/Programa (Cerveira: Fundação Bienal de Arte de Cerveira, 2022), 41–47.
ISBN: 978-989-98515-7-3

Rosemary Lee, “Anna Ridler, Mosaic Virus,” in Kinetismus: 100 Years of Electricity in Art, ed. Peter Weibel and Christelle Havranek (Berlin: Hatje Cantz, 2022), 196.
ISBN 978-3-7757-5197-1

Rosemary Lee, “Resilience as a Critical Approach to Technology,” in Rewilding Culture, ed. Erich Berger et al. (Ljubljana: Zavod Projekt Atol, 2021), 72–82.
ISBN: 978-961-92449-7-5

Peer-Reviewed Publications in Academic Journals

Rosemary Lee, “Synthetic Images: Data-based Aesthetics,” Live Interfaces 1 (December 2023).

Sheila Pinkel et al., “Top-Rated LABS Abstracts 2021,” Leonardo 55, no. 5 (October 2022), 497–502.
DOI: 10.1162/leon_a_02254

Carvalhais, Miguel, and Rosemary Lee. “Spectral and Procedural Creativity: a Perspective on Artificial Creativity through Computational Art”. Transformations: Journal of Media, Culture and Technology, 36.

Rosemary Lee. “Machine Learning and the Mediating Tendencies of the Image”. In Dark Eden Transdisciplinary Imaging Conference 2020. figshare, November 2021.

Carvalhais, Miguel, and Rosemary Lee. “Soundwalking and Algorithmic Listening”. In Proceedings of RE:SOUND 2019 – 8th International Conference on Media Art, Science, and Technology. Aalborg, Denmark, 51–56. Electronic Workshops in Computing, 2019.

Rosemary Lee. “Uncertainties in the Algorithmic Image”. Journal of Science, Technology and the Arts, 11 no. 2 (May 2019): 36–40.

Rosemary Lee. “The Image Is a Machine.”  A Peer-Reviewed Newspaper, A Peer-Reviewed Journal About (APRJA), Machine Feeling, Aarhus University 8 (2019): 20- 21.

Rosemary Lee. “The Limits of Algorithmic Perception: Technological Umwelt”. In Proceedings of EVA Copenhagen 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark, Electronic Workshops in Computing, 44 (2018): 6.

Rosemary Lee. “Crystallisation as a Research Process”. Journal for Research Cultures, Epistemic Practices in Arts and Technology, 1 no. 1 (December 2015): 7.

Rosemary Lee. “The Sand Timer.” Continent, 4 no. 2 (2015): 67–70.

Rosemary Lee. “Interiority Exteriority and Techno Clubs.” Flusser Studies, 17 (June 2014).

Rosemary Lee. “Communal Bodies.” The International Journal of the Arts in Society: Annual Review 6, Common Ground Publishing, 2011, 265–70.


Peer-Reviewed Publications in Conference Proceedings

Rosemary Lee. “Cryptographics”. In xCoAx 2022 Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics & X, 312–317. 2022.

Rosemary Lee. “Aesthetics of Uncertainty”. In Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics and X, 256–62, 2019.

Rosemary Lee. “Seeing with Machines: Decipherability and Obfuscation in Adversarial Images”. In ISEA 2018 Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Electronic Art, Durban, 2018, 321–24. with_Machines_Decipherability_and_Obfuscation_in_Adversarial_Images


Interviews & Other Publications

Rosemary Lee. “Image Machinery”. The Grey Box, In a World of Machines, 1 no. 1 (October 2019): 3.

Costantin, Patrizia. “In Conversation with Rosemary Lee and Martin Howse” In Machines will watch us die. Manchester: Manchester School of Art, The Holden Gallery, 2018. pp. 8–10. Interview.

Rosemary Lee, and Manuel Minch. “Art on the Moon?” Continent, 7 no. 1 (2018): 82–85. Interview.

Wacherhausen, Uffe, and Rene Georg. “HYBRID MATTERS”. Nikolaj Kunsthal. 2016. Video interview.

Rosemary Lee. In Three Questions on Media Criticality. Basel: Critical Media Lab Basel. 2015.

Gansing, Kristoffer. “Museum walk and discussion: Protogaea”. transmediale.  2014. Video interview.

O’Heilly, David, and Gabin Ito. Rosemary Lee Anmerkung. Tokyo: BCCKS. 2014.!/spread:1

Mickel, Fridey. “A Chat with Rosemary Lee.” Exberliner. 2013. Interview.


Exhibition Catalogues & Art Publications

Rosemary Lee, and Miriam Wistreich. “Hydrofeminism: Becoming a Body of Water”. In Kulturhavn 365. Copenhagen: Kulturhavn 365. 2018. pp. 106–107.

Rosemary Lee. “Sonic Cannibal” & “On Sensitivity, Plants & Noise”. In TRANSART – en Forsamling på Tværs af Arter. Copenhagen: Laboratory for Aesthetics and Ecology. 2015. pp. 18–19.

Rosemary Lee, and Jens Jørgensen. “Mining the Arbitrary”. In Charlottenborg Forårsudstilling 2015. Copenhagen: Charlottenborg Fonden. 2015. p. 44.
ISBN: 978-87-991901-4-0

Rosemary Lee. (Unitlted). In The Other Face of the Frappé, edited by Pietro Bonfanti. Athens: Pietro Bonfanti. 2014. Zine. pp. 44–51.

Rosemary Lee. Stepping Into the Impossible. Berlin: Galerie Gilla Lörcher. 2013.

Rosemary Lee. In Zupančič, Alenka. Sobre la Comedia: un Extraño en Casa. México D.F: Paradiso Editores. 2012. Cover image.

Duarte, Carla, Annie Egleson, Surabhi Ghosh, Jongock Kim, Rosemary Lee, Christie Matson, Sarah Moore, Jeroen Nelemans, Sara Rabinowitz, Rana Siegel, Mike Slattery, and Anne Wilson. “Wind-Up: Walking the Warp”. In Hemmings, Jessica. Warp & Weft: Woven Textiles in Fashion, Art and Interiors. London/Berlin/New York/Sydney: Bloomsbury. 2012. pp. 127–129.


instagram: @machine_agency
bluesky: @machineagency